Already day 10 - wow.
Started the day unable to move my arms - always a pleasure - which meant Maria had to fold my collar down although the pain did mean I got up early for once. Clouds and silver linings I suppose.
Had a meeting at 8am this morning - always a fun way to start the day - followed by a free.
Now I have mixed feelings about free periods.
The problem is down to me I am sure but a free first lesson tends to get used for emergency planning/marking so doesn't tend to get used for anything massively productive and if it is last lesson (like tomorrow) it tends to disappear before I have done anything useful.
On the other hand, when they are during the day I often find it breaks up the flow of lessons, so they can be annoying then too.
Sounds ungrateful really doesn't it but I'm not, honest!
In fact I managed to get lots done in mine this morning so I was very happy and set up for the day.
Year 10's had to make top trumps cards for each of the planets in our solar system.
I was really impressed at the work produced, especially the effort some of my less willing students put in.
Year 8's and 9's were fairly noisy however looking at their books post lesson I was really happy with the work produced by both classes this lesson.
Excellent day so far!
Food sorted - pasta in sauce and back on it.
Year 8 PSHE - sex education this unit - quite a spectacular way to finish the day.
Then off to the gym.
Took a wrong turning on the way home.
How do I take a wrong turning?
Well I was trying to be clever and avoid the usual traffic in order to get to the gym and then home to cook dinner.
Instead I found a different set of traffic and also some new routes around Bristol.
Which was fairly fun.
I did get to see the Clifton suspension bridge lit up in the evening sky though.
It is a spectacular sight I wish I had taken this photo (it's not mine) but it gives you an idea what I saw tonight - - though I wasn't so close to the river being on the ring road.
I do love living in Bristol.
Gym was fun again hopefully will start making a difference to energy levels and fitness soon.
Cooked burritos for dinner - tasty and much needed.
Lesson for tomorrow need tweaking rather than fully planning, good times.
There we go for another day!
Oh, this looks excellent and I am getting slightly excited by it...
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