Started the day with a really interesting course on managing challenging behaviour. Some excellent advice on dealing with students with ADHD and other related conditions.
The rest of the day was nice and straight forward. Met up with Maria for a coffee after her morning then grabbed a sandwich and picked up a birthday present for my sister.
My hand continues to give me some gip, I am sure it isn't broken - which is a good thing - but it is sore.
Picked up some new fiber pens in wilko's not a major thing but... I also got a stapler which stamps have a nice day and a smiley face when you staple. It was from a little card shop but it is amazing. Simple things make me happy. Also it was £3 in a sale. Winner!
Last few things before I head off.
1) shaved my beard off last night, I miss it however I do look much younger and smarter, so that's not a loss really.
2) opened my whiskey from Maria's parents, is going down far too well!
3) need to get lots of work done tomorrow - mostly proposals and planning
4) off to see 'A Day at the Races' in a moment, excellent!
5) I ALWAYS seem to forget something positive to write about, probably because I write this quickly in the evenings. However that makes me think about those TV shows where people recall things perfectly, how true to life is that?
Finally, dear reader, I think the blog is working. I have had a rough week but this morning I still had positives to say about the job. Compared to some people at the course who seemed very negative.
Interesting mindset that teachers seem to have.
Right I shall try to write a longer post tomorrow about something specific and not just a list of my day! Gra is visiting later in the afternoon which should be good fun.
Have a good evening.
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