Saturday 7 January 2012

7th Day - 07/01/2012

On Pies, Ale, Films and Science

What a fun day - and we still have the evening to go!

Joined a gym this morning - which I can start using on Monday so that's good as I am not a fan of waiting lists.

Got a hair cut which tidied me up a little bit. Always a good thing.

Went into town to spend some of my Christmas vouchers - couldn't find a whole lot that I needed of liked but managed to get some things.

Bought way to many Sci-Fi films in CEX but then they are so cheap and I do love a bit of Sci-Fi

Had some food in Pitcher and Piano with Maria. She was gutted as her halloumi salad did not quite fill her up. I played it safe and had a nice pie and ale (the pie was steak and ale). I feel very happy and satisfied now.

The ale I had was Hobgoblin which is one of my favourites, and now I am sat with a Newcastle Brown Ale which is my favourite! I am also chilling out watching the Fifth Element (one of my purchases) while Maria decides what to wear tonight.

Tonight should be good we are off out for drinks for our friend Jake's birthday.

Happy times, short post, enjoy your evening!

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