Thursday 12 January 2012

and the 12th day! 12/01/12

What a difference a day makes!

Got up relatively painlessly this morning.

School went really well. Observation first thing - on use of questioning in my lessons - also set up some plates with antibiotics as well. Also did the plates with my other group last lesson (a nice bookend to the day).

Took my year 8's out of the class to find the noisiest department.

Gave them all data loggers to record the noise levels.

Had a lot of fun with it - lots of other teachers got really involved.

Was one of those moments that could have gone really badly but the school almost came together fully and it worked really well.

My year 9's could do no wrong after that and to be honest they were really good and worked really hard.

Home time came and went, all happy smiley.

Science club was amazing. Had earlier discussed a project for next Thursday with the technicians and got the go ahead for it.

The project we are currently working on is how to purify or clean water supplies.

Spent today testing 4 or 5 different methods none worked but was really good preliminary science.

I hope science club enjoyed it as much as I did.

Went to the gym after work.

Walked to ASDA and picked up some beers.

Came home.

Put on Watchmen.

Good times!

Will be a short blog tomorrow, longer one at weekend.

Have a good Friday tomorrow!

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